Shelter Island Wellness

About Your Therapist

I am a licensed massage therapist and certified Zero Balancer (ZB).  I have been enrolled in the Chikly Health Institute for three years studying Lymphatic Drainage Therapy (LDT), my primary modality.  I continue to take LDT classes and will begin their brain curriculum in July.  I began my bodywork career at Irene’s Myomassology Institute in Southfield, MI and graduated in 2014.  I cannot overstate how much true joy practicing these osteopathic modalities brings to my life.

I live to learn new things, and I am endlessly curious about the world around me.  I enjoy qt with my inner circle, thinking, science & spirituality, writing, walking, in depth conversations, all kinds of animal interactions especially with my son Tango, kayaking, cooking, languages and travel, anything from half day romps around town to getting lost in foreign countries.