Shelter Island Wellness

Lymphatic Drainage Therapy is...

...clean, clear rivers.  Simply put, if the body can drain, it can heal itself.  Lymphatic Drainage Therapy (LDT) is feather light but very powerful.  It helps promote optimal flow of the body's system of drains, the lymphatic system, a key component of the immune system.  Like ZB, it is a deeply relaxing form of bodywork because it is helping to restore one of the natural rhythms of the body.  When the lymphatic system is draining (flowing) optimally, it can carry away more efficiently all manner of things that might remain and accumulate in the body and lead to disease and dysfunction.  When doing this work, I like to imagine the waters of the body and their adjacent tissues getting cleaner, clearer and stronger with each stroke.

...the flip side. Often when people think of massage and manual therapy, they consider the body's tissues; however, we are nearly 60% water.  Often when the body's fluids begin to flow in places of reduced movement, the surrounding tissues begin to unwind and heal themselves, but without ever touching them.  Lymphatic Drainage Therapy is an effective way to address musculoskeletal dysfunction gently in ways that promote healing not by enforcing a change on the body, but simply by letting water flow and promoting drainage.

...the fountain of youth.  When lymph (and energy) move effortlessly along their natural pathways through the body, pathogens are more easily eliminated and the body can stay aligned in such a way that it maintains the optimal ability to heal itself.  People that receive this work over a long period of time have strong immune systems and age slowly.  The emotions and spirit remain balanced.  The body is continually detoxed.