Shelter Island Wellness

Polarity Therapy is...

...the most subtle energetic currents.  This field of bodywork is a universe unto itself and combines Eastern and Western approaches to health, wellness and medicine.  In short, all living things are surrounded, penetrated, linked and sustained by universal energy than runs in predictable pathways through each living thing.  Some of these currents run vertical.  Some run horizontal.  Some are circular.  Some are pulsations inward, while others outward.  Some of these currents run deep in the body, some are just above the surface of the skin and some form the background field around us.  These currents, when flowing freely and properly, sustain a creature's life, body, mind and spirit. 

Polarity Therapy helps to clear blocks along these pathways.  When energy cannot flow freely, the result can be tension, physical and emotion pain or imbalances.  Often these blocks originate in traumas.  Blocks are not "bad" things.  They originally served as a protective mechanism and are merely places where the body's energy is held in abundance or is lacking.  Energy cannot move through these areas but rather must travel around them.  A restoration of flow through an area means less emotional and physical pain and a greater capacity of one to self-heal.  Polarity is done fully clothed and is the lightest and most gentle of all bodywork modalities. direct engagement with the emotions.  There is no better work to directly address the emotions of the body, particularly if you are experiencing an imbalance in one or more of them, such as excessive fear, anger or grief.  Typically, conversation (verbal processing) accompanies these sessions but doesn't always.  Polarity Therapy as such can directly address trauma held in the bodies different layers. safe and helpful for persons with cancer.  I cannot stress enough how safe and gentle this work is.  There are relatively no contraindications.  This is particularly important for people with cancer and other serious illnesses whose condition could be made worse by too much manual therapy.  It can provide enormous relief and comfort to people who's bodies are enduring physical turmoil, harsh medical treatments, surgeries and whose emotions are out of balance.